EndrrNation GDPS Guidelines

Below, you will find a set of guidelines regarding various aspects of the GDPS, from uploading levels to submitting a record for the Demon List. Please read and follow these guidelines or you may be banned from the lists or even the GDPS as a whole depending on severity.

Basic Rules of the GDPS

In order to be in the GDPS you must be a member of the EndrrNation Discord server. You can find a link to this server at the very bottom of this page. You also must adhere to all of the guidlines inside the GDPS.

In most cases, standard Geometry Dash rules will apply. You cannot hack stars or demons, and you cannot harass, insult, or otherwise harm members of the GDPS in any way.

Modded Clients like megahack v7 or v5 are allowed, as well as FPS bypass and other quality of life modifications, but you may not use any hacks that would violate the rules in standard Geometry Dash, meaning you cannot use hacks to cheat or make it significantly easier to beat levels or obtain rewards.

Uploading levels

Any level can be uploaded so long as it meets the following criteria:

Levels cannot contain hate speech or any graphic content. Profanity is allowed, but don't push it. Severe vulgarity will not be allowed including slurs or levels that are just made for shock value and have no real purpose aside from being an annoyance.

Levels that contain hate speech to an extent that reaches beyond playful banter will not be tolerated. Just try to be nice and respect each other when making levels.

Levels can be hacked in order to be uploaded, just like in regular GD. However, also like in regular GD, these levels will not be rated unless there is proof that someone has beaten it legit.

Rate Standards

In order to get a rated level, you must make a playable level that has at leat minimal effort put into it. Even layouts can be rated, provided they are fun or at the very least somewhat enjoyable to play. Keep in mind that a level must be at least 30 seconds in order to be rated.

In order for a level to be rated on the GDPS it has to be made on the GDPS. You cannot port levels from regular GD or another GDPS over to this one and then get it rated. It has to be made FOR the GDPS. That said, once your level is uploaded to the GDPS you are allowed to port it to regular GD if you wish.

Hard Demon or higher must have proof that is has been beaten legit. While ratings arent completely accurate to how they are in regular GD, they are still there. Hard levels must have proof of legitimacy before being rated. For easy levels, this does not matter.

Challenges must be less than 30 seconds to be placed.

Demon Lists

In order for a level to be on the Demon List or Challenge List, it must be verified legit. It is important to note that the difficulty ratings and star counts of levels do not deterimine if they are on the demon list or challenge list and where. If they have been beaten legit and follow the level uploading guidlines, then they can be placed.

Regardless of if a level is rated or not, levels under 30 seconds will always be placed on the Challenge list, and levels 30 seconds or longer will be placed on the Demon list. No level can be placed on both.

We only keep track of the Top 50 levels on each list as to make it easier to keep track of stats.


When submitting a completion to be checked, it MUST include clicks OR it has to be preformed live in call with a moderator. If you are using FPS bypass then the FPS counter must be visible, and the video must be high enough quality that we can read the text on the screen. The video itself must be recorded at 24fps or higher.

Remember that hacked completions are not allowed. Hacks include anything that will trigger cheat indicator on Megahack v7, and the maximum FPS or TPS limit is 360.

Allowed hacks include: Show hitboxes on death, FPS Bypass, TPS Bypass, Any quality of life hacks or info hacks that do not change the gameplay or are for cosmetics, -1 Frame Input (or whatever it's called), Any hacks that do not make a difference on the completing attempts (ie: startpos switcher, etc.)

Obviously banned hacks include things like macros, noclip, speedhack, etc. If you have a question about if a hack is allowed or not, you can ask Endrr.

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